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05-08-2024, 08:05 PM
Will Diane "Head To The Hills" To Train?
Diane L. Gruber
May 08, 2024

As Biden voters terrorize Jewish Americans Maxine Waters opened her big mouth on Fake News? MSNBC. The long time (wealthy) Congresswoman who doesn?t live in her California Congressional District because she can?t stand the thought of rubbing elbows with poor blacks & browns claims that Trump supporters are ?training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they are going to attack.? After decades of creating, repeating, promoting false narratives of all sorts we can expect no less from Democrats as we head into the election that will either be the death knell of America or will breathe new life into it.

Cranky Maxine, who stood on a street corner and screamed that Trump?s cabinet members should be kicked out of restaurants, stores, gas stations, et al, is doing her part to create a false narrative that Trump supporters will become violent, attacking certain ?communities? should Democrats successfully steal another presidential election. ?Communities?? What mischaracterization of MAGA Americans would be complete without a little race-baiting? We are hearing this theme repeated almost daily now on air and in print. By election time it will be an hourly drumbeat in order to normalize the Deep State?s abuse of Trump supporters. To spread this Big Lie these haters must ignore the fact that, for decades, virtually all political violence has come from The Left, not The Right. On the rare occasion The Right takes to the streets in protest, they kill no one.


The Biden Regime has been cleverly scripting this dishonest narrative since Day One, starting with turning the January 6th incident into an faux insurrection for which they are still rounding up Americans who may have been in DC on or about that date.

The Democrats have been crafting the ?Trump voters will foment a revolution? narrative for over two years because they (correctly) assumed that Trump would run for re-election. Indeed, two years ago this hater speculated in an article that Americans in Montana were organizing an armed revolution. Ha! I wonder if he has written anything about Antifa who have been terrorizing Blue Cities since 2007.

A cursory check on the internet reveals that two books were published recently claiming that Trump supporters are preparing for violence, with no mention of the decades of violence from Democrats. One such book is especially amusing. The following quotes from this book say less about Trump supporters than they do about the authors? fear that Democrats will not create enough fake ballots this year to keep Demented Biden in office.

?Rural voters?especially the White rural voters on whom Donald Trump heaps praise and upon whom he built his Make America Great Again movement?pose a growing threat to the world?s oldest constitutional democracy.?

?But more than at any point in modern history, the survival of the United States as a modern, stable, multi-ethnic democracy is threatened by a White rural minority that wields outsize electoral power.?

?The most anti-democratic sentiments. They don?t believe in an independent press, free speech. They are more likely to say the president should act unilaterally, without any checks from congress or the courts or the bureaucracy.?


?They (white rural Americans & Trump voters) are most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse.?
You won?t find a stronger supporter of President Donald J. Trump than this American. I hate to disappoint Delusional Democrats, but I have no plans to train for the revolution. I do hope, however, that millions of Americans will march on state houses and the DC Swamp if Democrats rig a second presidential election. We were much too polite the first time.

Read Article... (https://dianelgruber.substack.com/p/will-diane-head-to-the-hills-to-train)