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  1. FBI Should Uncover Who Organized, Funded Radical Student Encampments (1 replies)
  2. 50 Governors Oppose Federal Plan to Move National Guard Units: ?Power Grab? (2 replies)
  3. Watch: Trump?s Bold Move: Sidestepping Judge?s Gag Order (0 replies)
  4. Uncensored: Marjorie Taylor Greene (0 replies)
  5. Exposed: Loophole in U.S. Law Allows Illegals to Vote Without Penalty (0 replies)
  6. What Will Happen If Dems Steal 2024? (0 replies)
  7. Trump?s Best Lies Weren?t Trump?s (0 replies)
  8. Judge Joe Brown Goes Off on Barack Obama and ?Lowdown Scummy Bastard? and ?Piece of U (0 replies)
  9. Dershowitz Warns the ?Useful Idiots? Now Protesting are Being Groomed for Terrorism (2 replies)
  10. The Final Monologue Tucker Carlson Prepared for Fox News Has Been Released for the Fi (0 replies)
  11. Report: Banks spied on Trump supporters for Biden (0 replies)
  12. Clash between Texas State Troopers and Pro-Hamas Protestors (0 replies)
  13. Drill Baby Drill !!! (1 replies)