View Full Version : Drill Baby Drill !!!

04-18-2024, 11:09 AM
Our Diaper Filler / Ice Cream Eater In Chief wants to raise taxes 5-7 TRILLION (yes with a T) the day he is sworn into office for his second term. That is the reason for the 87,000 EXTRA ARMED IRS agents. That would CRUSH the middle class and small businesses.. That would leave BIG Businesses and the Poor and the Rich. COMMUNISM is closer than we all think !!!

We dont have to have an IRS if we just DRILL BABY DRILL !!! Allow all money made by the oil companies to pay our taxes up. IF we did that, we could finish the wall CORRECTLY, COMPLETELY refund ALL monies STOLEN by the govt BACK into SocSec and REBUILD our infrastructure !!! AMERICA FIRST BABY !!! After all, the leftists all complain how EVIL them oil companies are, no??

BUT EVERY PENNY THAT WILL BE RAISED of that 5-7 TRILLION is going to Diaper filler's/Ice Cream eater in Chief's cronies and THEM ONLY !!! Oh yeah, and Ukraine too !!!

Scott Bolinger
05-30-2024, 08:28 AM
when the oil companies double the price of gas during a pandemic, we should look at other alternatives. Converting vehicles from gas to natural gas would put more focus on putting money in each community rather than dumping money into just a couple of wealthy companies.